Order Premium TV-channels

Here you can order additional TV-channels for your Sanuk Systems broadband subscription.
Select the channels or packages you want, and choose to pay for 1 month or 1 year in advance.
There is no automatic renewal; You need to place a new order if you want to continue watching after the time has expired.

When you send the order you will be directed to PayPal where you may optionally submit a payment immediately.
But if you choose not to make a payment now, an invoice will be sent to your email later.

Please allow 1-2 days for the channels to become activated.

    True Premier Football 1: 260 bahtTrue Premier Football 2: 260 bahtTrue Premier Football 3: 60 bahtTrue Premier Football 4: 60 bahtTrue Premier Football 5: 60 bahtNFL Network: 65 bahtMotor Vision: 40 bahtTrue Tennis: 110 bahtCNN International: 390 bahtBBC World: 60 bahtBloomberg: 30 baht

    [variable cost-channel-month cf7-hide "checkbox-channel-month:" "True Premier Football 1: 260 baht 260" "True Premier Football 2: 260 baht 260" "True Premier Football 3: 60 baht 60" "True Premier Football 4: 60 baht 60" "True Premier Football 5: 60 baht 60" "NFL Network: 65 baht 65" "Motor Vision: 40 baht 40" "True Tennis: 110 baht 110" "CNN International: 390 baht 390" "BBC World: 60 baht 60" "Bloomberg: 30 baht 30"]

    True Premier Football 1-5: 480 bahtNFL+MotorVision+Tennis: 200 bahtCNN+BBC+Bloomberg: 450 baht

    [variable cost-package-month cf7-hide "checkbox-package-month:" "True Premier Football 1-5: 480 baht 480" "NFL+MotorVision+Tennis: 200 baht 200" "CNN+BBC+Bloomberg: 450 baht 450"]

    True Premier Football 1: 2820 bahtTrue Premier Football 2: 2820 bahtTrue Premier Football 3: 710 bahtTrue Premier Football 4: 710 bahtTrue Premier Football 5: 710 bahtNFL Network: 430 bahtMotor Vision: 1210 bahtTrue Tennis: 1210 bahtCNN International: 4300 bahtBBC World: 640 bahtBloomberg: 280 baht

    [variable cost-channel-year cf7-hide "checkbox-channel-year:" "True Premier Football 1: 2820 baht 2820" "True Premier Football 2: 2820 baht 2820" "True Premier Football 3: 710 baht 710" "True Premier Football 4: 710 baht 710" "True Premier Football 5: 710 baht 710" "NFL Network: 430 baht 430" "Motor Vision: 1210 baht 1210" "True Tennis: 1210 baht 1210" "CNN International: 4300 baht 4300" "BBC World: 640 baht 640" "Bloomberg: 280 baht 280"]

    True Premier Football 1-5: 5200 bahtNFL+MotorVision+Tennis: 2200 bahtCNN+BBC+Bloomberg: 4950 baht

    [variable cost-package-year cf7-hide "checkbox-package-year:" "True Premier Football 1-5: 5200 baht 5200" "NFL+MotorVision+Tennis: 2200 baht 2200" "CNN+BBC+Bloomberg: 4950 baht 4950"]

    [calculate_button calculate-total autocalc cf7-hide]
    [calculation total class:cf7-price "cost-channel-month + cost-package-month + cost-channel-year + cost-package-year"]

    [paypal paypal-premiumtv email:maephim@sanuksystems.com field:total currency:THB success:paypal-ok fail:paypal-cancelled payonsubmit newtab "Premium TV-channels"]

    Note: PayPal will open in a new tab, where you may submit the payment.
    If you don't complete the payment, an invoice will later be sent to the house/condo owner's email address.